Physical Therapy


Awareness physical therapy


"Dr. Amanda Kriebel’s background as an athlete/surfer helps her create highly individualized programs that improve quality of awareness within movement. She has been working with the WSL sports medical team since 2011 and brings a unique blending of systems to the forefront of her functional approach to health care.”

- Dr. Tim Brown, Chiropractic Sports Medicine, creator of IntelliSkin, CoMedical Director of WSL (World Surfing League)

Maximize your health | LEt’s Work together

  • One : One Appointments: In person treatments in New Jersey and California

  • Telemedicine Consultations: via FaceTime/Zoom for guidance to address your concerns

  • Ergonomic Assessments: we all spend more time at our desks these days, let’s design your office space to be efficient, comfortable and a creative work area

I hear you. I’ve been there. Maintenance and attention to your physical body are a must! I’ve studied and collected years of research through my own injuries and work with patients. My treatments examine the whole landscape of the body, a holistic snapshot of posture and functional movement patterns like walking for preventive, post-injury and post-surgery care. I consider all the operating systems of human survival beyond the musculoskeletal system like the digestive, lymphatic, and especially the nervous system in order to elevate your health, enhance your longevity and keep you doing what you love to do!

Together we focus on restoring and re-educating your body with my favorite techniques like; manual myofascial deep tissue massage, ancient modalities like cupping, modern tools such as Rockblades/Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation/IASTM and PowerDot electric muscle stimulation. I incorporate various stretching and movement philosophies through disciplines such as yoga, DNS, and Ginastica Natural. I also love Aquatic Therapy where the natural buoyancy of water creates a partial to non-weight bearing therapeutic environment allowing you to do activities you wouldn’t be able to do on land.  You’ll have a customized therapeutic exercise program on land and/or water so you have tools and can practice your homework.

What are your physical therapy goals?

Recovery, move through your day with ease, enjoy your activities, maximize your athletic performance, prevention, longevity, sports rehabilitation…

Want to be inspired? I’m really proud to be featured in the documentary UNBROKEN with Mark McMorris, Professional Snowboarder, Olympic Medalist, and all around incredible human. Watch the full movie HERE


“Amanda is very passionate about her craft in working on people to help them out with whatever they are needing with physical therapy to get them ready for the next step with their body!”

-Zion Wright, Professional Skateboarder